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The Flex130®


Flex 130 facade climbing system

– only 3 kN load capacity of the

attachment points required

– optically unobtrusive, only 25 mm slot

in facade visible

The ideal helper for

– facade & roof cleaning

– industrial assemblies

– structural & steel construction

– energy supplier

– wireless network operator

– chemical plant construction

– facility management

– repair of accidents

– maintenance work

– fastening of giant posters


The facade climbing system from Germany

Ergonomically shaped seat, a belt system, four grippers on two steel cables, variable foot and back support allow:

– A safe & ergonomic physical work in

variable height

– A fast & flexible way of working

– An economical & cost-effective use

With the Flex130® we offer you safety and freedom of movement in extreme areas of application easy handling with little effort.

anschlagsystem flex130



